Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ahh...another year has gone by...

It's been a while since an update was posted..
Mommy went back to Vancouver to visit Grandma for Xmas and I was left with an Auntie who took me to Ottawa! How cool!!
Although when I got back, I was so quiet and not myself that mommy thought I was sick or I forgot all about her, she was sad... but I was just tired from the long car ride back from Ottawa.
I hope everybody had a wonderful and safe Xmas, LOTS AND LOTS of nice presents...
and enjoy the warm weather..
Here are my pictures updates, ENJOY!!

Ready for my walk outside... <3

Hum...Squirrel!!! ATTACK!!!

Not happy Mr.Squirrel didn't come play with me..


Mommy didn't want to play tug of war with me.. So i end up throwing the toy myself and catch it..



I don't like pictures...they make my eyes squint..

OKAY..1 picture...

I don't want anymore pictures mommy!!

Mommy tried to bribe me to take good pictures with little yumyum treats.
Hope everybody like my pictures and Wish everybody have a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL NEW YEAR AHEAD OF THEM!!!

Signing out.. 
Rusty XXOO

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