Downside of being a sausage dog, no bed is long enough or should i say, no bed is ever the right shape....
Rusty has the habit of hogging all his toys on his bed...
The only time he got to sleep on the bed: he would like to think he is human, hence sleeping belly up is required.
Something I realized about Rusty, he is now almost 3 years old and it is always interesting to see him growing more and more mature. I always feel like his change is instant. I would one day suddenly feel like my boy has grown more mature! When he was 1 year old, I couldn't wait for the day he gets less jumpy, less puppy-like and then one day, BOOM! suddenly he is so mellow, never tugs on his leash like a wild beast anymore. When he was 2 years old, I wished he was more obedient because a food addict and natural hunter like him would chase after anything that moves. Now, he is almost 3 years old and few days ago while i was walking him without a leash, BOOM! he is just such a sweetheart, he listens to me and it's almost like he is my real 3 year old child. Just the other day, he wanted to come onto our bed but he knows he is only allowed on the bed when he sleeps on a particular piece of cloth we give him. SO, he whined for a good 30 seconds and I had no clue what he wanted! THEN he slowly walked over to his cloth that was hanging and tugged it to show me what he wanted! Maybe this is nothing to other people but it is definitely something new and interesting for me. *sigh* now i feel like he is growing up too fast for me!